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Сергей Николаев, 22-Фев-2020 12:39, 4868/0

We demand to publish this information in the world's media.

We demand to publish this information in the world's media.The very possibility of the existence of the Triune System of Peace is a great happiness, a gift. And if we believe in it ourselves, we can inspire many people to create it, including programmers, politicians, economists, ecologists.

May there come conditions in which each person can always show his or her gratitude to Nature, at the same time, becoming more and more prosperous.

And one such opportunity is the Triune System of Peace.

The world will be ruled by all those who rule. But the choice of the direction of human development will be a common consciousness - the Rule, which will correct all those who rule.

Each person is a part of consciousness and will always be able to take part in it, as well as to earn a decent income.

Through the Union of Conscious Countries, there will be an entrance to the Triunity System of Peace, with a single digital Peace Space, where each person will have his or her own Triune Account and Instrument of Peace.

All purchases will be made through the Triune Account, which is a Law.

The national authorities oversee the implementation of this law.

The Triune Account contains the Measures, EggPeace and Peace.

Measures are free money, you can spend it on anything you want.

EggPeace are money that can only be invested in Peace Projects.

Peace - Created Peace Projects

The Uniform Law of the Triune System of Peace can be expressed as follows:

To purchase a product or service, you must take into account the additional action that always takes place in the Triune Buyer's Account - Measures are transferred to EggPeace, at least* one third of the value of the purchased product or service.

Minimum* - depends on the environmental impact of the product or service.

For example: Buying an eco-mobile for 3000 euro, the automatic action takes place - another 1000 euro pass from in your Measures  to their EggPeace. In order to make this purchase you need to have 4000 euro available in your Measures.

Another example, for the production of solar shingles, the organization purchased light-film from its triune account, where in addition, one third of the cost of the purchase was transferred to the EggPeace triune account of that organization.

For humanity, there is one law in which any acquisition generates EggPeace.

Further, the accumulated EggPeace are voluntarily invested only in Peace Projects.

Peace Projects are created to preserve and restore the natural biodiversity of the flora and fauna of the Earth, as well as for the collection and recycling of waste of life activities of all humanity.

In order to invest your EggPeace in the Peace Project, you need to go to the Peace Space, open a map of your area that shows all active and proposed Peace Projects, and then join the proposed Peace Project or open yours by selecting it from the list of existing Peace Projects. By investing EggPeace and Worlds in the Peace Project, you automatically become a "shareholder".  in proportion to your contribution.  You can buy and sell Peace in the Peace Space, like a stock market.

The income from each World (i.e. the active Peace Project) is distributed as follows:

1/3 part - the triune tax, goes to the Triune Peace System, divided equally: the System Peace Fund, the Global Peace Fund and the authority structure of the country where the Peace Project is implemented.

The remaining 2/3 part is profit and is divided equally into the Measures and EggPeace of this Triune Account.

The law is for everyone, since every producer or seller receiving the Measures uses them and becomes a buyer anyway.

The Triune Tax includes a fee: for each country to uphold the law, for free communication with the world, for freedom of creation, for freedom of movement, for interest-free money transfers, for the World's Space without advertising or other fees.

The Triune System of Peace will give the entire population the conditions for well-being. By creating creative and profitable jobs. Existing taxes will be unnecessary and will be abolished over time.

Peaceful Projects form the Filter of Peace from individual ideas stored in the Archive of Peace, which belong to different authors.  These ideas are encouraged by the EggPeace of the System Peace Foundation if the Peace Project with these ideas is profitable. In this way, inspiring each person to create new Peace Projects.

In the Peace Space for every World Man, opens the entrance to the World Filter, with a set of additional features and tools.

A Man of Peace is a person who tries to cognize in himself and in the whole World the perfection of Natural Laws. Building his thoughts and deeds synchronously with these laws.         

By performing works aimed at restoring and protecting the environment, outstanding people are identified, who are given the title of "Man of Peace", with the field of knowledge.

For example, people who are engaged:

- permaculture, organic farming,

- by changing the economy for the good of nature,

- an educational activity that awakens love for nature.

These people are entrusted with leading the Triune System of Peace through the Peace Filter.

The Man of the Peace is a free man.  For every country that has joined the Union of Conscious Countries, his visit is a great honour.

His merits, his love of peace, give him the right to move freely around the world. By investing his  EggPeace in the Peace Projects of the country where he is.

Initial list of decent people for the title of "Man of Peace". 

Gunter Pauli

Jadav Payeng

Yacouba Sawadogo


Sepp Holzer

Liz Goodwin

Bill Mollison

Nikolay Drozdov

Chris Sherwin

Ellen MacArthur

Vladimir Megre

Bea Johnson

In accordance with the evolution of Mankind, to achieve the title of "Man of Peace" will be able to outstanding people of modernity.

It all starts in a digital place where every trace is recorded.

Here, all the information, even queries in the search engine become authorship. With protection and transparency, one begins to Create and call upon others.

This place of interaction with the Archive of the Peace is called the "Place of Creation," and all information coming into it is stored in the Archive of the Peace.

The Peace Archive is the foundation that stores all incoming information, with the author's coordinates in the present time, without the ability to correct or delete this information.

The platform of Creation will be created like social networks, but it is used only for the purpose of friendship and unity of nations in a common cause: protection and restoration of the environment - Nature, our single home - Earth. And us, because humanity is a part of Nature.

Therefore, everything is open and there is no room for privacy in the Plaza of Creation.

Every person on the Plaza of Creation is registered through biometrics, followed by a scan, confirming its presence.

The Peace Archive and the Plaza of Creation is the first step that must be taken in order to create the Pra (general awareness) and the Triune System of Peace. 

It's like school to be able to do it:

1. To find the Man of Peace.

2. Find the "coefficient of right" of each participant of the Plaza of Creation. This is the coefficient of peaceableness, personal awareness, and activity. The circle of communication is chosen on the Prax, and also the weight of the voice of the Man of Peace will depend on it.

3. To form approximate Peace Projects with construction of author's, co-authorship chain.

They will be considered in the Triune System of Peace.

The First Plaza of Creation creates a Peace Archive, with open friendly code, to synchronize with the subsequent Plaza of Creation.

The subsequent ones, therefore, take the Archive of Peace already created, copying it to their servers, thus making it even safer.

Here each person will be able to Create directly, in their consciousness, laying their seeds in the form of Peace Projects, program codes, technical devices. Here everyone believes in the Triunity System of Peace and as a consequence, in the Peace World.

With the set of five independent Sites of Creation and a single Archive of Peace, there will be a merger into a single Space of Peace and a Peace Tool. By absorbing the "best" programmatic and technical achievements.

You will choose the best by duplicating your voices in each Space of Creation.

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