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chteg fteg, 08-Дек-2014 22:07, 2251/0

invest money online momentum

Many stocks have recovered technical sessions today and to eliminate the noise fluctuations in the liquidity of the ETF starts to decrease .

Features of the technical sessions are always in the mild price increases and reduced liquidity . After an extensive session that fluctuate greatly reduce recovery did not pick up at least 50%, the motivation is weak . Low liquidity reinforces this.

Liquidity factors affecting today ’s ETF transactions should not really reflect the nature of transactions in stocks . Right after this session really knows the amount of money to purchase at closing ( domestic investors ) are expected sharp decline in the price of stocks ETF is sold , or is actually accumulated . The session today, does not lead anywhere , though they may try to find the fulcrum to hope . The problem is to place hope on the basis of a particular mutation has a very high risk .

Tnew the huge today , but internal capital net down 12 % , while 3718 billion , the lowest level in a week . 3,000 billion of net domestic capital is still pretty good number , but as mentioned above , there are unexpected factors . This can be seen in the concentration of capital today to 33 % . Thus only very few stocks are investors in order to counter- attack the country and largely successfully sell orders that declining prices .invest money online stock. investing

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