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« âåðíóòüñÿ "AstroPro - ïðîôåññèîíàëüíàÿ àñòðîëîãèÿ. Îáó÷åíèå è êîíñóëüòàöèè."


14-ßíâ-2017 20:01, 10400/0

Synastry: Attraction

1. Magnetic Attraction – (You’re a Magnet for me, baby…)
Look for person A’s birth planets sign conjuncting the angles of person B’s chart (Ascendant/ Descendant magnetic axis or the Midheaven/ I.C. gravity axis). This is especially true of person A’s luminaries and personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars) and especially true of conjuncting person B’s Ascendant/Descendant magnetic axis. This also holds effective for a sign conjunction with person B’s Midheaven/IC gravity axis, but the connection is going to be somewhat “heavier” in nature.
Again, if you find a double whammy – such as person A’s Ascendant conjunct person B’s Moon and person B’s Ascendant conjunct person A’s Moon – then all the better!

2. We May Never Pass This Way Again (Karmic Lovers)
Cross aspects between the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and/or Angles (Ascendant/ Descendant axis or the Midheaven/ I.C. axis) in person A’s chart and person B’s Lunar Nodes.
The conjunction being the most intense and significant connection is the only aspect I currently consider. Again, look for a double whammy.

3. You Are My Destiny (Destiny’s Gate)
Cross aspects between the Sun, Moon, Venus, Ascendant, and/or Midheaven in person A’s chart and person B’s birth Vertex, the Vertex being nicknamed by me as “Destiny’s Gate.” This rule holds especially true in regard to conjunctions and oppositions. Again, look for a double whammy.

4. Let Me Lose Myself in You! (or Calgon, Take Me Away)
Cross aspects between person A’s birth Neptune and person B’s birth luminaries, personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars), and Ascendant/Descendant axis….

The conjunction, trine and sextile aspects are (for the most part) a wee bit “easier” to handle – with the conjunction being the most intense connection.
Cross aspects involving Neptune and the other person’s luminaries, personal planets, and Ascendant/Descendant axis can even hold true with sign conjunctions and oppositions that aren’t necessarily within orb aspect – but generally speaking: the closer, the better.
Finding what’s sometimes called a “double whammy” cross aspect – such as person A’s Neptune conjunct person B’s Venus and person B’s Neptune sextile person A’s Venus — is all the better for creating that special connection feeling.

5. Hey, Venus! (Love in the Afternoon)
Cross aspects between the Sun and/or Moon in person A’s chart and person B’s birth Venus.
This is especially intense with conjunctions and oppositions, but trines and sextiles are awfully comfortable and nice. Again, look for a double whammy.

6. Immortal Lovers (Ooh baby, ooh baby)
Now here’s one you probably haven’t heard of before…
The Immortal Lovers clue concerns the minor asteroids named Eros and Psyche. If this is a relationship between a male and female — then first look for the male’s birth Eros conjuncting the female’s birth Psyche. This even appears to work with sign conjunctions which aren’t in orb. In my experience, finding this cross aspect between lovers is fairly rare… at the same time, finding a double whammy between family members seems to be fairly common (which is sort of a spooky thought, but consistent with many of the differing theories on reincarnation).

7. Soul-mate attraction is greatly influenced by the love asteroids (eros, psyche, sappho, cupido, valentine, amor) , which surprisingly a lot of people are not aware of.

(433) Eros
(80) Sappho
(16) Psyche
(1221) Amor
(447) Valentine
(763) Cupido

The greatest soul mate aspect between these asteroids are eros & psyche, if they conjunct or trine together you can be sure that the relationship between you are your partner is meant to be.
When the asteroids make an aspect to the planets, it would be more one-sided. For example, If your amor trines your lover’s Sun you would have unconditional love for them but the feeling wouldn’t be mutual, they would have to have there amor make a harmonious aspect to one of your planets too.

However, my research verifies Dr. Lehman’s observation that “If one person’s Eros makes an aspect to another person’s planet, the Eros person is smitten with the Planet person.” But I have also found the planet person often returns the feeling, even if his Eros makes no aspect in reciprocation.

The Synastry of physical attraction

Synastry is the art of relationship Astrology. It is a somewhat fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals interact with one another, how the factors of there natal chart find conflict and companionship.

Many of us are familiar with the study of Sun Sign Compatibility and often ask akin to “Does a Cancerian get along with a Leo?” and while these comparisons have some value, they are very general and often just based on a elemental correspondence between the signs.

For a more accurate and overall impression of compatibility between two people many other factors are involved in the evaluation.

Although Synastry itself is a very complex system, we can all (with a little effort) turn to some especially useful methods of studying relationships that will help shed light on our interactions.

With the upcoming Valentines in mind below are some of the traditional pointers of physical compatibility.

When somebody’s Mars falls in your 5th house, heart-pounding reactions and strong romantic/sexual desires and crushes can be activated. You want each other, although the attraction may not last long unless there are other stable aspects and positions in your synastry.

When somebody’s Mars falls in your 8th house, that person inspires deep sexual urges and physical desires in you.

A conjunction of someone’s Mars to any angle (that is, the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven-10th cusp, or IC – 4th cusp) in your natal chart will pull out gut reactions and intensity of desire–although the feelings can go either way.

Mars-Sun conjunctions, squares, and oppositions usually inspire a need to make the relationship physical and generate a sort of “buzz” of energy between the two people involved. Trines generate some physical attraction, but of a more pleasant kind.

Venus-Mars conjunctions and squares can inspire quite a bit of fuss and sexual interest, while Venus-Mars sextiles and trines offer a more pleasing, less in-your-face attraction.

Venus-Pluto conjunctions, squares, and oppositions are one of the most potent cross-aspects for sexual and emotional attraction. Although both people are generally attracted to each other, it is the Venus person who is the most enthralled and even obsessed with Pluto—Venus is consumed with the attraction. Ultimately, it is the Pluto person who has the upper hand in terms of whether the relationship is going to endure.

Moon-Mars aspects can generate strong feelings that are often both physical and emotional at once, with the Mars person involved taking most of the initiative in the relationship, which can be very attractive to the Moon person (at least at the outset of the relationship).

Venus-Uranus conjunctions and squares can generate so much interest to the point of enthrallment, and often result in sexual activity between people before they know each other well.

This can be a confusing and destabilizing contact in the long term, but these aspects generally inspire initial attraction. When these relationships last, the Uranus person is often seen as inconstant by the Venus person and there can be many ups and downs.

Mars-Pluto conjunctions and squares are often powerful indicators of initial attraction and sexual intrigue. Trines don’t necessarily draw people together, but once together, they are some of the most powerfully sexual aspects between two charts.

Ascendant-Ascendant conjunctions, sextiles, and trines, while not as strong as the indicators above, give a pleasing sense of physical harmony.

When someone’s 8th house planet or ruler of their 8th house forms a strong aspect with one or more of your planets, you are likely to ignite passion in that person.

The asteroid Eros also plays a role in sexual attraction as well. Most potent are Eros-Venus, Eros-Ascendant, Eros-Psyche, and Eros-Mars links. Conjunctions, oppositions, and trines are often seen as best.

Planets in another person’s first house/Planets conjunct another person’s Descendant: The Ascendant and first house represent our physical appearance and the way we project ourselves to the world. When you have planets in your partner’s first house, or vice-versa, a strong physical attraction is indicated. A woman’s Sun and Mars (masculine planets) represent the kind of man she finds attractive, so having either of these planets in her partner’s first house indicates considerable attraction on her part. A man’s Moon and Venus (feminine planets) indicate the qualities he looks for in a woman, so having either of these planets in his partner’s first house is indicative of physical attraction.

Planets in the 7th house/Conjuct the Descendant: The 7th house and Descendant represent our one-on-one relationships, and describes the qualities of our ideal mate. Thus, having planets in someone’s 7th house in synastry is indicative of mutual attraction. The planet person represents the qualities we lack, the qualities that will serve to “balance” us out. The house person is likely to find the planet person as someone who is “marriage material,” while the Planet person is likely to find the Ascendant person highly attractive. The strongest indicator of physical attraction is when someone’s inner planets fall in the 7th house (especially the Sun).

Planetary overlays in the 5th house: The 5th house represents fun and romance. So, if your planets are overlaid onto your partner’s 5th house, a romantic and sexual attraction is indicated. You love spending time with one another, and the planet person stimulates the house person’s desire for love, sex, and romance. This is especially true if the planet is Venus or Mars; you literally want to jump the person!

Planets in 8th house: The 8th house represents sex and intimacy. This is thus a very powerful synastry overlay to have between partners. In this case, the planet person stimulates the 8th house person’s desire for intimacy. The 8th house person wants to “merge” with the planet person and explore the depths of her sexuality. Hot, hot, hot! This is especially true if your partner’s Venus or Mars (sexual planets) fall in your 8th house. It’s practically irresistible. The 8th house person may even become obsessed, so watch out! This is definitely not a synastry aspect for the faint-hearted.

Sun-Venus synastry aspects: Venus is the planet of beauty and pleasure, while the Sun represents our core being. Thus, synastry aspects involving the Sun and Venus are indicative of a strong physical attraction, especially on the part of the Venus person. The Sun person represents what the Venus person finds beautiful and pleasing, and the Sun person gets a huge ego boost from this! The Venus person adores the Sun person, and the Sun person loves the Venus person’s style and grace. This is a highly romantic aspect, and is one of the best indicator of a lasting romance.

Sun-Mars: Both the Sun and Mars are masculine signs. When they make an aspect in synastry, sexual compatibility is indicated. Your body rhythms match well, and you naturally know how to please one another. Mars is especially sexually attracted to the Sun person, and the Sun person’s sexual desires are stimulated by the Mars person. This aspect represents considerable attraction to each other’s bodies. This is especially true for the conjunction, trine, and sextile. The opposition and square can lead to conflict and ego clashes, but attraction is still indicated.

Venus-Pluto: This is one of the hottest sexual synastry aspects two people can have! Pluto represents sex, obsession, and intimacy, while Venus represents love, beauty, and affection. Together, this spells g-r-e-a-t s-e-x! You stimulate each other’s desire to experience the depths of sexual intimacy. Physical intimacy is especially important with this interaspect; you feel a strong desire to be physically close to each other. In fact, you may find you become obsessed with one another! This aspect also indicates power struggles and domination, especially on the part of the Pluto person. The Pluto person feels a strong desire to “merge” with the Venus person. Pluto finds Venus beautiful and intriguing. Venus is strongly sexually attracted to Pluto, as Pluto puts her in touch with her primal, sexual feelings. This is especially true of the conjunction. The trine and sextile indicate intense, but pleasing and harmonious sexual interactions. These aspects deepen the intimacy shared by the couple, but not in an overly obsessive or destructive way. In the case of the square and opposition, strong sexual energies are also indicated, but this may be accompanied by an unhealthy desire to control one another through manipulation, jealousy, and possessiveness. The square and opposition can also indicate sexual and financial exploitation, as well as abuse. Nevertheless, Venus-Pluto in synastry is just plain hot.

Moon-Mars: In synastry, this is a sign of true sexual compatibility. The attraction is instinctive in nature. This aspect is considered best when the woman is the Moon person, and the man is the Mars person. Like Venus-Mars interaspects, Moon-Mars interaspects represent the yin/yang or male/female energies between couples. The Mars person can instinctively sense the needs of the Moon person, and strives to fulfill them. The Mars person is attracted to the Moon at a very basic level; he finds her basic femininity very sexually appealing. The Moon person is “turned on” by the Mars person’s advances. The attraction is very primal in nature. Together, they fuse emotionalism and feelings into sex, which can be highly satisfying for both parties. I believe all Moon-Mars contacts, whether hard or soft, brings this energy into the partnership. However, the hard aspects can manifest outside the bedroom as emotional arguments and hurt feelings, while the softer aspects indicate supportive energies between the two.

Venus-Mars: This is especially potent when the woman’s Venus is being aspected by the man’s Venus. Even better is when you have a “double-whammy”; when your Venus aspects your partner’s Mars, and when your partner’s Mars aspects your Venus. Venus is the planet of love, affection, and romance, while Mars is the planet of raw sexual energy. Together, they make fireworks! The Mars person feels adored and loved by the Venus person, and finds them beautiful. The Venus person is energized and sexually stimulated by the Mars person. When this interaspect shows up in synastry, true sexual compatibility is indicated. This is especially potent when the woman’s Venus is being aspected by the man’s Mars.

Ascendant/Ascendant Aspects in Synastry: I really don’t think this synastry connection gets enough attention! The Ascendant represents our physical appearance, and the way we project ourselves to the world. Thus, aspects (even hard ones) between two people’s Ascendants indicate considerable attraction. This is especially potent if your Ascendant opposes your partner’s Ascendant (or your Ascendant is conjunct your partner’s Descendant). In this case, your partner is likely to consider you to be the “perfect partner,” in terms of your physical appearance. As a Sagittarius Ascendant, I attract Gemini Ascendant men like crazy!

Eros Synastry Aspects: The asteroid, Eros, represents erotic love, sex, passion and intimacy. I have found that when someone’s personal planets make strong aspects to someone else’s natal Eros, a strong sexual bond and attraction is indicated. I’ve found that the Eros person has a “crush” on the planet person. This is an indicator of great sex, too!

Aspects to Lilith in Synastry: In synastry, Lilith brings an untamed, wild sexual energy, feelings of obsession, and intense, transformative interactions. When your Lilith aspects your someone’s planet (especially the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, or the Ascendant), you are magnetically attracted to this person, and can’t get them out of your mind. This aspect shows an amazing amount of sexual chemistry and an obsessive attraction.

Like Pluto, Lilith aspects in synastry act to draw out each person’s sexuality. Lilith sex is tantric, obsessive, and highly addictive. Couples with strong Lilith in synastry have an incredibly strong sexual attraction to one another, and it is difficult to keep them apart! Logic does not apply in Lilith relationships. Indeed, Lilith is what makes a man end a 20-year marriage out of the blue. Indeed, Lilith’s reputation as a “home wrecker” is well deserved. On the plus side, she can break someone free of their safe, habitual behavior.

When exploring the astrology of sexuality, I keep in mind that the entire chart of an individual is involved, but there are some factors that tend to play a larger role than others. Namely:

Mars. The sign of Mars shows us the style in which we express our sexual nature.

Venus. The sign of Venus shows us some of the important “trappings” and foreplay that helps us get in the mood for sex.

Moon. The sign of our Moon shows us some of our underlying emotional needs that may express themselves as sexual fantasies and needs.

There are several synastry aspects to look out for if you’re searching for your soul mate. These connections show significant attraction and compatibility between the two people, which can easily last a lifetime.

Sun-Moon contacts: Soul Mates generally have strong Sun-Moon connections in the synastry chart. The conjunction and opposition are the most powerful. The trine and sextile are also powerful. With this aspect comes a strong feeling of support and understanding. This aspect is particularly potent when it is the woman’s Moon in aspect to the man’s Sun.

Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus contacts: Sun-Venus contacts are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! When this aspect appears in synastry, the couple feels affection and love for one another. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. When one person’s Venus contacts another person’s Venus, your love styles are similar. You easily get along, and instinctively know how the other person wants to be loved. The conjunction and opposition are most potent, and the trine and sextile are powerful, as well.

Venus-Mars: This aspect is an indicator of passionate love. There exists a great deal of sexual and physical attraction between you. The physical attraction and sexual chemistry is likely to last a lifetime if this aspect shows up in synastry.

Venus-Pluto in synastry: This is a very potent aspect in synastry. This is an indicator of karmic, transformative, obsessive love. Even if the couple separates, they will remember each other for the rest of their lives, due to the depth of passion they shared. This aspect is especially potent if it is mutual (i.e. Person A’s Venus aspects B’s Pluto, and B’s Venus aspects A’s Pluto).

Nodal connections: When Nodal connections are found in synastry, the connection is powerful. Contacts to the South Node demonstrate a past-life connection that has lasted into this life. The two of you have come together to wrap up unfinished business. There exists a haunting chemistry between the two of you that can easily last a lifetime. North Node conjunctions are equally intriguing. The planet person possesses the qualities the Nodal person needs to develop in order to grow spiritually. There is a tremendous attraction between the couple, as well as a feeling of “going somewhere” with each other. Squares to the Nodal axis are very common in synastry, particularly from the Sun or the Moon. In this case, there is a feeling that the couple feels as though they were destined to be together, but the union is a challenging one. This indicates a karmic relationship in which both of you need to work out past-life issues that is preventing your soul growth.

Vertex contacts: The Vertex is like a second Descendant. When touched by transit or progressions, fated events are likely to occur. Similarly, when someone’s personal planet, Ascendant/Descendant, IC/MC, or Vertex aspects your Vertex by conjunction or opposition, a fated relationship is indicated. This is the kind of relationship that will change your life.

Saturn contacts: Saturn in synastry is a binding force, ensuring the longevity of the relationship and a feeling responsibility to one another. Hard aspects between one person’s Saturn and another person’s important planet or point are both challenging as well as binding. In fact, hard aspects from Saturn to another person’s Sun or Moon are very common in the synastry charts of married couples.

Conjunctions to the angles: When one person’s inner planets, Nodes, angles, or Vertex conjunct another person’s AC/DC or IC/MC axis, a strong bond is indicated. The AC/DC is a relationship axis, while the IC/MC axis represents your private and public lives. When another person’s planets or points conjunct any of these angles, the two of you are heading in the same direction in life. There is a feeling of “going somewhere” together. Contacts to the AC shows a strong physical attraction; contacts to the DC indicate the planet person possesses the qualities you look for in a partner. Conjunctions to the IC indicate a nurturing, protective bond, and the two people desire to have a home and family together; Conjunctions to the MC show mutual admiration and appreciation for each others goals.

Venus-Mars interaspects: This is especially potent when the woman’s Venus is being aspected by the man’s Venus. Even better is when you have a “double-whammy”; when your Venus aspects your partner’s Mars, and when your partner’s Mars aspects your Venus. Venus is the planet of love, affection, and romance, while Mars is the planet of raw sexual energy. Together, they make fireworks! The Mars person feels adored and loved by the Venus person, and finds them beautiful. The Venus person is energized and sexually stimulated by the Mars person. When this interaspect shows up in synastry, true sexual compatibility is indicated. This is especially potent when the woman’s Venus is being aspected by the man’s Venus. Even better is when you have a “double-whammy”; when your Venus aspects your partner’s Mars, and when your partner’s Mars aspects your Venus. When it is the woman’s Mars aspecting the man’s Venus, the man may feel the woman is too aggressive for his taste (this, of course, depends on each person’s individual chart). This is especially true of the conjunction, sextile and trine. In these cases, sexual energies and attraction are indicated on the part of both parties. In the case of the square and opposition, attraction and great sex are still indicated, but the Venus person may find the Mars person overly aggressive and may feel the Mars person is only interested in sex. Conversely, the Mars person may find the Venus person too stuffy or flowery.

Mars-Mars: I cannot stress the importance of having compatible Mars signs, when it comes to great sex! When two peoples’ Mars planets are in harmonious aspects to each other, your sexual energies match well. You like the same things sexually, and it is easy to please one another. Things just feel “natural” with this person. The square and opposition can be tricky, as it indicates discordant sexual styles. However, if there are supportive aspects, the square and opposition can still work.

Sun-Mars: Both the Sun and Mars are masculine signs. When they make an aspect in synastry, sexual compatibility is indicated. Your body rhythms match well, and you naturally know how to please one another. Mars is especially sexually attracted to the Sun person, and the Sun person’s sexual desires are stimulated by the Mars person. This aspect represents considerable attraction to each other’s bodies. This is especially true for the conjunction, trine, and sextile. The opposition and square can lead to conflict and ego clashes, but attraction is still indicated.

Venus-Pluto: This is one of the hottest sexual synastry aspects two people can have! Pluto represents sex, obsession, and intimacy, while Venus represents love, beauty, and affection. Together, this spells g-r-e-a-t s-e-x! You stimulate each other’s desire to experience the depths of sexual intimacy. Physical intimacy is especially important with this interaspect; you feel a strong desire to be physically close to each other. In fact, you may find you become obsessed with one another! This aspect also indicates power struggles and domination, especially on the part of the Pluto person. The Pluto person feels a strong desire to “merge” with the Venus person. Pluto finds Venus beautiful and intriguing. Venus is strongly sexually attracted to Pluto, as Pluto puts her in touch with her primal, sexual feelings. This is especially true of the conjunction. The trine and sextile indicate intense, but pleasing and harmonious sexual interactions. These aspects deepen the intimacy shared by the couple, but not in an overly obsessive or destructive way. In the case of the square and opposition, strong sexual energies are also indicated, but this may be accompanied by an unhealthy desire to control one another through manipulation, jealousy, and possessiveness. The square and opposition can also indicate sexual and financial exploitation, as well as abuse. Nevertheless, Venus-Pluto in synastry is just plain hot.

Moon-Mars: In synastry, this is a sign of true sexual compatibility. The attraction is instinctive in nature. This aspect is considered best when the woman is the Moon person, and the man is the Mars person. Like Venus-Mars interaspects, Moon-Mars interaspects represent the yin/yang or male/female energies between couples. The Mars person can instinctively sense the needs of the Moon person, and strives to fulfill them. The Mars person is attracted to the Moon at a very basic level; he finds her basic femininity very sexually appealing. The Moon person is “turned on” by the Mars person’s advances. The attraction is very primal in nature. Together, they fuse emotionalism and feelings into sex, which can be highly satisfying for both parties. I believe all Moon-Mars contacts, whether hard or soft, brings this energy into the partnership. However, the hard aspects can manifest outside the bedroom as emotional arguments and hurt feelings, while the softer aspects indicate supportive energies between the two.

Mars-Pluto: This synastry aspect is HOT! It indicates overwhelming passion and intensity, due to a raw sexual energy which permeates between the couple. With this aspect, sex is intense and transformative, and the need to be physically close to each other is paramount. The sexual magnetism to each other is strong. One of you might be very physically demanding of the other, which could give rise to conflict and power struggles.

Synastry: Attraction
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