See the red light reflecting levels See a structure, a pattern, a change Action with no theory, theory with no action Action with no theory, theory with no action Action with no theory, theory with no action Action with no theory, theory with no action
Shrouding in the open fields of light You try to fight, you fight, you fight, you are Shrouding in the open fields of light You try to fight, you fight, you fight, you are
To begin again from the beginning you have began, rebirth To begin again from the beginning you have began, rebirth Being swept along, is no longer enough, you will begin, rebirth The spot was centred, in the expanding mind The mind was centred in the expanding spot
Полный индивидуальный нумерологический портрет (описание личности, важных периодов, подбор талисманов, ароматов и цветов), прогноз на год в целом и на каждый месяц и прогноз на каждый день
Календарь астролога
Индивидуальный календарь с информацией на каждый день: лунный день, Луна без курса, ингрессии, развороты, аспекты к транзиту и наталу.